Sunday, August 08, 2010

Families that Stick Together

European Home "Dutch Village",  Holland, Michigan
European families have always held high interest for me. Living in Germany for many years and traveling through Europe has given some interesting and unique influence in taste, decorating. One thing interesting is the history of European families.

In the 18th century, these families consisted of grandparents, their children and grandchildren living in one home. These families consisted of five or more children. These families consider their children 'assets' in their lives.

Father and Son at the "Dutch Village", Holland, Michigan

Rick Brainard states on his website, "The family was the social security then". As in history past, the poor usually missed education and were trained for work. Although according to Brainard times weren't so good for the children with the poor, the upper class families had tutors to teach them.

How amazing if families during those times would have understood the principle of 'home education'. Teaching their own children to read and write as well as the basic concepts of math. If in a family line just 'one' person learned the principles of education, how wonderful to have also passed this along to their children.

Windmill at "Dutch Village, Holland, Michigan
Just as many of these 18th century families could have learned from our 'home education' concepts in the 21st century, we can learn from their family concepts. The importance of families sticking together was obvious. They could actually live together throughout the years and enjoy each other. They could pass their trades along, and be friends for a lifetime.

The Lord refers to Himself as the God of "Abraham, Issac, and Jacob".  You can see in Genesis 12:2-3 the blessing He gave Abraham and His family. Not only did He bless this family, He stood behind them calling Himself the God of Abraham and His sons. The Lord shows us in His word that He takes families seriously.

To tie your family together with the word and the blessing is what the Lord would have us to do. He calls families and He designs them. Let's follow the design He has destined for our families. Embrace His ideals and the clear vision the Lord has for the families of the earth. To bless them and make them a blessing. Not only through out the earth, but within the home itself. 

 "And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].    And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you] and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves]." Genesis 12"2-3 AMP 

lovin' home abundance,
Pastor Kim

by Rick Brainard
"Rick Brainard, is an independent scholar and a past member of the American Historical Association. His main historical area of interest is 18th century history with a special emphasis on Colonial America"