Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Continuing my thougths on wisdom!

I talked sometime ago on the importance of wisdom. Again, simply put, wisdom is the ability to take the things you know and apply them. That is a great way to understand wisdom. We can teach our children so many things everyday of their lives but... if we do not teach them wisdom then we have taught them nothing that they can apply in their lives. If our children cannot take what they have learned and apply it, then we have done an injustice. You can teach your children about God's word, and if they never act on the wisdom of God to apply it to their lives and receive what the Lord has for them, then... we have not completed the training.

The Bible tells us that Jesus has been made unto us wisdom! He is the Wisdom of the ages, the spoken word of God that became flesh, and has become the absolute in our lives. When we realize and believe that it is He that brings to pass those absolutes then we release His wisdom working on our behalf in a very special and powerful way. First and foremost we must again remember that the Bible tells us that "the fear of the Lord, which means to HATE ALL EVIL, is the beginning of wisdom!" In that our children can learn to apply wisdom by simply walking away from evil! It's one thing to know that stealing is wrong But it is wisdom to know it is wrong and walk away from doing it!

I watched 2 movies this last evening in order to do reviews on them for families. These two were in the genre for young adults. "They were so awful!" Watching something that goes against God's word and His character goes against the grain of what I believe in and stand for and I very much dislike it! I actually HATE the evil that is set before me such as; murder, sex, swearing, bitterness, hate, debauchery, and the more! Right here is a great place to start teaching your children wisdom! Don't put evil before them letting it get in their eyes, their ears, their hearts! Then don't just tell them no you can't but, teach them "why" your are telling me this and why you want them to do what you are saying! Show them what's wrong, what is evil and tell them how one should not follow it! Keep these movies and TV stuff that supports things contrary to God's word and Jesus off! Keep them away from what is ungodly and goes against His word and ways in every area of their lives! Teach your children to hate evil and not allow it to grace their lives in anyway! Then wisdom will begin to work highly in their lives and "He" Jesus will do great things for them in honor of their faithfulness and obedience to His word!

Charles Spurgeon said,

"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is wisdom."

lovin' home abundance,
Pastor Kim