Friday, April 01, 2011

Teaching & Family Vision

Every family needs a vision, or simply put, a direction and something solid to believe. As homeschool families we see teaching our children as part of that vision for our families. Clearly this would mean to us as Christians, basing all our teaching on God's word and His ways. Looking at Proverbs 29:17-18, it is important to understand here that the Lord is directing us as parents to do some very specific things.

First and formost, it declares to parents that we are to 'correct' our children, or rather, the word here in Hebrew is "yacar", which means to; "instruct" and "teach"...  God's word declares to us that we are to instruct and teach our children! We as parents, and those called to children, need to realize the impact we are having on the lives of those we are teaching God's word. This scripture tells us how instruction based from His word pays off.

"Correct (instruct and teach) they son, (children) and he (they) shall give thee rest; yea, he (they) shall give delight unto thy soul. Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:17-18

Vison and teaching go hand in hand. We find that our instruction and teaching of our children is defined here as 'vision'. The vision is to instruct, teach, admonish, and correct our children in the ways of God, the word of God, and keeping our Godly faith and heritage the foundation of all our children's instruction.

How does the word vision fit with this? What possibly could be 'Family Vision'? The word vision in Proverbs 29:18, (chazown), is the word in Hebrew which means; direction and prophecy. So clearly, it is defined here specifically that vision and direction comes from "the word of God" and His fulfillment of this through Jesus Christ.

As we teach our children God's word and instruct them in our home-schools based on the foundation of Christian principles, we find rest, delight, and happiness. Those who don't instruct their children based on the word of God and our Christian foundation, 'perish'.  I know this sounds intensely strong. This word perish is the Hebrew word,  para`, which means to loose, let go, or to be left alone. We don't want to loose our let go of our children...

The seriousness in instructing and teaching our children reaches to every family. Families either have 'vision' in keeping His word foundationally for their children or they do not. We are required not to 'leave our children' alone. We are required not to 'loose' them to vain philosophies, secularism, or unGodly principles. We are required to not allow our children to be placed positionally to be lost from Godly truth! From Godly principles!

It's important for you to get 'Family Vision' and teach and instruct your children in the Lord, the ways of His Word, the ways of God. This vision will delight them and you! We will be winners every time, never losers! This is for all time and throughout eternity!

"enjoying homegrown abundance"
Pastor Kim