Saturday, April 05, 2008

Home Schooling is Worth It!

If you haven't noticed, home schooling your children is worth it. Your children will find themselves advanced and informed and 'loving' to learn. There is a difference with learning and having an interest in learning. Have you ever watched a child before entering in school? Your pre-schoolers and toddlers are always gaining and processing information everyday of their lives. They watch, they listen, they process, and before you know it, they are talking, walking, and following your lead. As parents, if you can take that process and continue with it, realizing that children learn from all these various different areas of their environment, you can gain an revelation of education from the Lord's perspective. That's why the Lord tells us in the book of Deuteronomy 11:19 to teach His ways and His word to our children with specific instruction. He says,

"Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

The Lord knows that your children are always gathering and gaining information at all times and in every part of their day. He wants us to realize that we are to teach them His ways and live them before them every moment of every day. You can see, children are obtaining information and processing it at all times. Take this opportunity to see them as sponges that retain, not only the water of His word but all the things you put before them, even in your home schooling curriculum.

To simplify it, what you put before them is what they will learn. Watch what you put before your children. That's why many parents have chosen home schooling. They want their children to have excellent things put before them that they may gain greatness and achieve their highest potential as individuals.

As you move forward with your home schooling plans, and as you fulfill the requirements to fill a certain amount of hours each day with teaching, remember, your children never stop learning. Learning doesn't turn off when school is over, so take advantage of every moment. Don't just teach your children at one scheduled time. Rather impart to them God's word and live a gracious example before them. Not just a Godly example, but also an example of a Godly and quality education.

lovin' home abundance,
Pastor Kim